It may not be a written text, more a collection of stories handed down by apostles, generation after generation, only later formed into a codex3 June 2016 - So, Sir John Chilcot’s report is going to be “four times as long as War and Peace”, is it? My weariness comes not with the cliché, credited to the usual tiresome “officials”, never mind the insult to poor old Tolstoy. The implication is that the Russian novel is so massive, its characters so many, its historical sweep so vast, its very length so awesome, that we can scarcely grasp its importance. But it’s the wrong book.
True, Saddam idolised a Russian leader (Stalin), but there were no Napoleons in Iraq, whatever Generals Petraeus and McCrystal might think.
We could, perhaps, turn to Tolstoy’s forgotten little masterpiece Hadji Murat, inspired by the author’s experience as a soldier in what is now Chechnya – a novel whose Muslim separatist rebel hero ends up, naturally enough, getting his head chopped off, in this case by some very angry Russian soldiers. But that’s really only a short story.
Surely it’s far more accurate to say that Chilcot’s 2.6 million words will be more than four times as long as the Old Testament. First, the titanic events of that great volume take place in the Middle East, in some cases on the lands that constitute the very same Iraq which we shamefully invaded in 2003. The narrative of the Old Testament is therefore set on familiar territory.
And only this Biblical epic of lies, cruelty, mass killing, ethnic cleansing, enslavement and betrayal comes anywhere close to the story of deceit, genocidal murder and criminality with which Sir John has been wrestling these past seven years. read more>>>
Let the Murdock FOX speak continue...........!!
Which the families have never bought into, like the parrots of the FOX continue...!!
3 June 2016 - The families of British soldiers who died in the Iraq War will have to pay £767 for a hard copy of the full Chilcot report.It has emerged there are no allowances to give free copies of the 12-volume report to the next of kin of those soldiers killed during combat.
Instead they will be given a free hard copy of the executive summary – which would otherwise cost £30 – and will be urged to read the full report online. read more>>>
31 May 2016 - Families of soldiers killed in the Iraq conflict could sue former Prime Minister Tony Blair following the publication of Chilcot report read more>>>
Well not completely! Just in the very public testimony, still archived, plenty came out and not only as to Britain's and Blair's role but what was going on with All their counterparts in and around the Bush administration, that can't be whitewashed as it spoken on public video at time, each day. And what's left is much of the closed door and, now unclassified, classified at time government intelligence directly about, as well as apparently to be released correspondence between Blair and Bush!
3 June 2016 - Families of dead British soldiers face having to pay £767 for a copy of the Chilcot report when it is published next month read more>>>
And now Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl after the Whole Country Abandoned the Missions and those sent to Accomplish, and still haven't paid for either nor the long term results from and that includes the VA their responsibility, so extremely quickly after 9/11!!
Command Sergeant Major: No Troops Died Searching for Bergdahl
22 December 2014 - The ACLU and Human Rights Watch say the offences amount to ‘a vast criminal conspiracy’ and are ‘shocking and corrosive’ to US democracy and credibility read more>>>
The Royal United Services Institute said the UK could face a bill of nearly £65bn, once the cost of long-term care for injured veterans was factored in, with most of the money was spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The study, called Wars in Peace, said both conflicts were largely “strategic failures” for the UK, The Guardian reported."
"And when you add up to the Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, Veterans Affairs, interest on debt, the number that strikes me the most about how much we're committed financially to these wars and to our current policies is we have spent $250 billion already just on interest payments on the debt we've incurred for the Iraq and Afghan wars." 26 September 2014
December 22 2014 - American taxpayers have shelled out roughly $1.6 trillion on war spending since 9/11, according to a new report from Congress’ nonpartisan research arm. That’s roughly $337 million a day -- or nearly a quarter million dollars a minute -- every single day for 13 years. read more>>>
Chris Hayes MSNBC: "If you can run a deficit to go to war, you can run a deficit to take care of the people who fought it" In response to Republican opposition to expanding Veterans' benefits on fiscal grounds
Neither of these recent wars have yet been paid for, let alone the results from, including the long ignored or outright denied existence of, till this Administrations Cabinet and Gen Shinseki, only Government branch consistent for the past six years, issues! As well as under deficits most of the, grossly under funded, VA budget is still borrowed thus added, problem creating, costs that shouldn't exist!
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