
In 2003 some 72% of Americans fully supported the Abandoning of the Missions and those Sent to Accomplish so extremely Quickly after 9/11!!

At least some 95%, if not more as less then 1% serve them, not only still support the, just below, total lack of Sacrifice, they ran from any and all Accountability and left everything still on the table to be continually used if the political/military want was still in play in future executive/legislative wants!!
DeJa-Vu: “With no shared sacrifices being asked of civilians after Sept. 11", Decades and War From, All Over Again!!

DEC. 21, 2014 - Prosecute Torturers and Their Bosses

‘Operation Inherent Resolve’

Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan

* * Operation Resolute Support * *

* * Iraq: 10 Years After, 19 March 2013 - Costs of War * *

CNN Map U.S. and Coalition Iraq/Afghanistan Casualties

Civilian Fatalities in Afghanistan, 2001–2012

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Brit Government Fights Iraq Prosecutions

British politicians and generals targeted in Iraq abuse case
Army chief General Sir Peter Wall and Geoff Hoon, ex-defence secretary, among those named at international criminal court

11 January 2014 - The government has insisted it will fight a bid to trigger prosecutions of former British ministers and senior military figures over alleged war crimes in Iraq.

A complaint filed with the international criminal court (ICC) accuses British forces of abusing and killing detainees in their custody.

The head of the army, General Sir Peter Wall, ex-defence secretary Geoff Hoon and former defence minister Adam Ingram are among those named in the 250-page dossier, according to the Independent on Sunday.

Human rights lawyers have drawn on the cases of more than 400 Iraqis, arguing they represent "thousands of allegations of mistreatment amounting to war crimes of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment". read more>>>

Complaint to ICC over UK Iraq 'abuses'
12 January 2014 - A complaint has been filed with the International Criminal Court (ICC) accusing British forces of abusing detainees in Iraq between 2003-2008.

The dossier submitted by Public Interest Lawyers (PIL) calls for an investigation into alleged war crimes.

It alleges some "at the highest levels" were most responsible, including head of the Army Gen Sir Peter Wall and ex-Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon.

The government said allegations of abuse are already being investigated.

PIL made the formal complaint to the ICC on Saturday with Berlin-based European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).

They call for an investigation into the alleged war crimes under Article 15 of the Rome Statute. read more>>>

Hague rejects Iraq prosecutions
12 January 2014 - William Hague has dismissed a bid to trigger prosecutions of British politicians and senior military figures over alleged war crimes in Iraq.

The Foreign Secretary said there was no need for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate allegations of UK forces abusing and killing detainees in their custody.

There had been no "systematic" torture by troops and individual cases had either already been dealt with by the British authorities or were the subject of probes, he insisted.

The head of the army, General Sir Peter Wall, ex-defence secretary Geoff Hoon, and former defence minister Adam Ingram are among those named in a 250-page dossier sent to the ICC, according to the Independent on Sunday. read more>>>

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