Ten years after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, are Iraq and the world a better place – and would Tony Blair do the same again?
01 Mar 2013 - I have sometimes wondered whether I should retrain as a psychologist. I would love to get inside the mind of one man: the man who took Britain to war five times, culminating with Iraq. Tony Blair.
The critics – those genuinely opposed at the time and the disingenuous who switched sides after – proclaim the former prime minister to have been a liar, a poodle or a Manichean madman. They focus on the road to war, the fraught period between his cosy chats with George Bush at the president’s Texan ranch in April 2002 and “shock and awe”, the bombing of Baghdad, 10 years ago this month.
They hark back to the attorney general’s legal advice, the “dodgy dossier” and the non-existent weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). The “who knew what when” question has been chewed over in successive inquiries, the latest of which, led by Sir John Chilcot, is still to deliver its verdict.
More important, and less investigated, is the effect Iraq has had on the world since the war began. read more>>>
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