The only ones searching their countries conscious as we here quickly moved away from Any Accountability and many quickly jumped to start laying blame on the present while the real criminals of slithered away or stayed public and basked in their ill gotten blood wealth gains!! We don't do accountability nor do most have a conscious for they still condemn others for exactly the same we do!!
30th April 2012 - UK Liberal MEP Sarah Ludford has condemned the "shameful" role of Britain over inquiries into allegations of torture of terror suspects by the CIA.
Her attack comes after the ALDE deputy last week visited Lithuania as part of a parliamentary delegation following up the 2007 parliament inquiry report on European collusion in extraordinary rendition and torture.
She was deputy chairman of the report and co-rapporteur of a new report aiming to determine European states’ progress in investigating and determining accountability in the last five years.
Six years after the first revelations about the abduction, torture and detention on European soil of terrorism suspects by the CIA, parliament is preparing a new report about the scandal. read more>>>
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